Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter came...and went...

We were in IKEA last night enjoying ourselves and planning a new home office space for Darryl co-existing with my craft sewing space that I begrudgingly have to share now that he works from home.  While we were there we looked out the windows and *WHAT?*  *COULD IT BE?*  *NO! OUR EYES MUST BE DECEIVING US!*
When we left for church that morning, it was chilly but not out of the ordinary for this time of year.  Actually, it was mild enough that none of us grabbed coats.  We were all bundled with long sleeves and I had a scarf and tights on so I figured we were good....Well, a cold front blew in a surprised us. 
It feels like it's been so long since we've seen snow....Actually, it was last winter.  This winter has been the weirdest winter yet since we've been in N.C.  Yesterday was our first snow of the entire winter.
We all ran outside of IKEA and were so excited to see the snow.  Peanut was giggling and Matthew was so excited with his face up to the sky catching snowflakes in his mouth that he ran right into the car!
It was short lived and only lasted for a couple of hours, but it was nice...
Now, that we've gotten that out of the way, I look forward to 70 degree days in our near future!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Darryl's favorite...


To most everyone, these won't be a homeschooling mom(with a sense of humor) these are hilarious...(I actually think I peed my pants reading some of them!)

These are from the new blog:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So sorry..

I'm so sorry I've been neglecting my blog for this time.  We have experienced so many new changes in the last couple of weeks.  Darryl has started a new job.  It's so weird to have him not working for his last company anymore-he had been there 10 yrs!
 We also are preparing for the boys' baptism and chrismation as well as Darryl's chrismation into the Orthodox church.  We are all so excited about it!  Updates with pictures will be coming when that happens.  My dad will be their godfather and Tracey will be their godmother.  I can't wait to have everyone here rejoicing in such a special event!  Then, on to Great Lent!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Make peace with yourself, and both heaven and earth will make peace with you."
-St. Isaac the Syrian

Friday, February 3, 2012

Waking baby...

What is it about a baby just waking up? 
I just want to sit there a kiss and snuggle him all day.  He's so warm and cozy and his feet....LOVE...