Sunday, April 29, 2012


Baseball season is in full swing again and we are enjoying watching the boys play.  Nicholas is pitching as well as playing shortstop and occasionally third base.  Matthew is playing short stop, pitching some, and catcher.  Matthew has hit a triple every game so far and Nicholas has been hitting great as well.
Even Peanut loves to watch the games!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Chocolate-caramel experience...

Peanut's first venture into the world of chocolate and caramel goodness....

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Favorite part of his Easter basket...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Respite in Nature...

Pascha morning after a leisurely breakfast, we all decided to take a lovely walk around our neighborhood(well we don't really live in a neighborhood, more like a country road).  It was a bit chilly, as is the case most spring mornings, but lovely...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pascha 2012

Christ has Risen!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Christ has Risen!
Truly He has Risen!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Busy bee...

I've been a  busy bee today getting ready for Pascha.  First, I gave the refridgerator a nice deep clean to make room for all the special treats we've been waiting for all of Lent! 

I then made these for the morning after church:

I figured we'd be a bit tired from being in church all night and I love the glazed crosses.  They smell heavenly!

Tomorrow, I'm heading to the annual Plant and Herb festival (which I love!) at the Farmers Market.
This farm:
has a wonderful pastured raised pork ham on hold for us.  I'll then peruse the farmers market for some other yummy local veggies to have on our Pascha dinner on Sunday afternoon. 
We'll also be having eggs(which I boiled today) from our farm made up into yummy angel eggs( I don't like to call them the other name) and I've already made a pound cake for dessert.  I figured we'd top it with some local strawberries and raw milk whipped cream...Oh!  I can't wait!!

We're almost there! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Botantical eggs

We had such fun dying eggs this year.  After seeing several Pintrest and blog ideas to dye eggs using natural foods, rather than artificial dyes, we thought we'd give it a go! 
So, off we headed to the woods...just outside...luckily we are surrounded by acres and acres of lovely forest.  We searched for interesting leaves. 

They we wet the leaves down onto a wet egg and secured them with cut pantyhose.

They we dyed the eggs two colors.  Yellow onion skins turn the eggs a beautiful red(perfect for Pascha!)
I also boiled some purple cabbage to make the most beautiful blue eggs!

Isn't the blue gorgeous!

I love all the interesting leaf prints!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Peanut is 10 months old and loves to explore now.  He is all over the place and we are having to invest in gates and baby locks again.  He is such a personality and even when he's doing something mischievous, he just cracks me up with his smiles and giggles.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reason #596 homeschooling is awesome...

Doing math in between jumping on the trampoline on a beautiful spring day.