Sunday, November 30, 2014

With both feet planted firmly in the holiday season, not to mention two very special boys about to celebrate a very special birthday, this mama is B.U.S.Y....
Add in homeschooling, keeping a home and did I mention a new puppy?

This mama NEEDS creative time.  It fuels my fire, it keeps me happy and we all know the saying about mama being happy.

So, I took a painting class. 
I've always wanted to take up painting.  But, I am engrossed in so many other creative outlets-sewing, knitting, soap making, etc, it was always put on the back burner.  On my birthday, I saw an advertisement for a class and before I could talk myself out of it, I signed up.
I am so glad I did.  I had a wonderful time, learned so much and now have another craft I can do in my free time....
in 2034.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Halloween 2014.

We had a blast this Halloween!
We spent it with some family and some friends.  We started the night at our favorite pizzeria and then headed to downtown Concord for some treats (and some tricks)!

Sweets had a great time getting candy.
She was in awe of all the decorations and the multitudes of kids in costume.

The boys loved having some friends to go with.  Matthew was getting so much attention for his costume.  Several people asked to take pictures with him.  I think anyone over the age of 30 really loved his costume.  Anyone under 30 had no idea who he

The sweetest pumpkin.

Nicholas a.k.a. Joe Dirt.

Sweets in all her costume glory.

Nature walks soothe the soul.

Sometimes I catch myself in awe that God has provided us with such a glorious piece of property.
We all love to watch the seasons change here on our little homestead.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Matthew a.k.a Ducky from Pretty in Pink.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

 With the cold temperatures making it's way into North Carolina, it was time to get our fire pit going.
We invited some of our dearest friends over for some dinner and Smores.
The kids had a blast!
Smores always taste so much better with friends and family, don't you think?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

When I have a free moment, how I love to make sweet outfits for her!
She's like my real life baby doll!
This one was a Simplicity pattern, but I usually find my favorites on Etsy.
I think the ones made by other mommy's just seem to be easier to understand and written better.
I probably will make this one again, but with my own tweeks to alter the pattern in a way I like better, but overall I'm pleased. 

These next couple weeks will be a whirlwind of creativity as I prepare for the holiday season.
I'm hoping to squeeze in a little bit of more sewing for her too.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sometimes, I just can't help taking a ton a pictures of her.
She is soooo stinkin' cute!  
Oh, and he's a handsome one as well.

The simple pleasures of Autumn

 My sweet pumpkin.