Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's time to paint!
Both littles had a painting session yesterday and that always is so much fun.
I cut up a sponge in different shapes to use as well as the usual paintbrushes.
Little Juliana ws much more interested in the paintbrush, while JoeJoe was all about the sponges.
We listened to Fairy Flower Alphabet songs while we had our art time and it was a fun time indeed!

Juliana is NEVER content just on the floor.  She is always standing on a stool or a chair.

Art time is so much fun!


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

When Darryl is away, Little JoeJoe hates to be alone.  While the big boys share a room, little Joe is all by himself in his room.  He gets lonely and scared at night.  Nicholas has been such an amazing and caring brother to him lately.  While they still fight as siblings do, these kids are thick as thieves!
Nicholas read him stories tonight.  Not because I asked, but because JoeJoe asked him to read.  
Then, as with most nights Darryl is gone, Nicholas hops into bed with Joe and sleeps there with him so that he is comforted.  Notice little Joe hanging on?  He always makes sure he is touching so he knows if you are still there.  
Tonight, I guess Matthew wanted to be with his brothers as well.  He set up a bed on the floor with some pillows from the upstairs sofa and an old crib

This....this is what it's all about.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

 We celebrated Sweets 2nd birthday yesterday.  I know it has been said before, but time flies so fast these days.  It seems like yesterday when she was just a little pudgy newborn and now she is a full fledged toddler.  She is spunky, comical and full of sugar and spice.  She melts all of our hearts with her smiles, kisses and hugs.  She truly is such a joy and a blessing to our family.
We got to celebrate with our extended family.  It was such a sweet time together to all give her love and attention.  
Happy Birthday My Precious Sweet Angel.

Here big Juliana gave baby Juliana a sweet card she made.

New purple Converse to match Nona.


Hugs for everyone!

We opened this up this morning.  With the rush of all the gifts last night, she didn't get to try it on.  We got her a little butterfly fairy outfit.  She loved to look at herself in the mirror and grant wishes with her little wand.

I love you sweet babycakes!