Monday, December 7, 2015

 Thanksgiving 2015

Our Thanksgiving was quite lovely this year.  It was quiet this year, as we only had our family and my sister and her family over, but it was very nice.

We had great fun playing card games, as well as Mancala and Zingo ( the littles really love that game right now).  We also taught everyone a game we call Mean Neighbor.  It's very easy to play for all ages, but still lots of fun.

We enjoyed all the traditional fixings including:

(I made the gravy days ahead with turkey wings.  I found a recipe on that used turkey wings and some veggies.  First, I roasted the wings and veggies and then basically made a turkey stock.  Then, I thickened the stock with a roux.  It was just like making gravy on Thanksgiving, but saved the hassle and frantic cooking at the last minute. I'm not sure if it was worth the extra expense of purchasing the wings, but it was a very yummy gravy!)
Twice Baked Mashed Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts with carmelized onions and balsamic glaze
Creamed Corn
Homemade Rolls

I also baked two apple pies (Darryl's request) and made a Trim Healthy Mama Chocolate Raspberry Pie.  

After dinner, we headed outside for races.
  It was a great way to burn off all those goodies before dessert and avoid the carb coma.
I am shocked at how fast the big boys are now.  Wasn't it just yesterday, they had little pudgy legs and I had to pretend I was running fast, so as not to beat them in a race?  Now, they beat me easily.  
Ah, such is life.  It makes me want to work harder.  Hopefully, I will get stronger and faster and perhaps win that race next year.

After our races, we came in for some desserts and more games.  
The little ones, with sweet sleepy eyes were ready to settle down.
We gave them some pie and prepared a cozy spot on the sofa for some movie time. 
Such wonderful memories were made.
Good Food. Good Company.Good Times.
All we need is time together and some yummy food and our family is perfectly content.

Here's to another great holiday together!

(Little Joe and Juliana's Thanksgiving sign-those drawings are turkeys and hearts).