Sunday, September 27, 2009

Moved in

I'm using the clubhouse's computer because my Internet isn't set up yet. We have totally moved in a squeezed and stuffed everything we could fit into the garage and the office of the apartment. It's a super tight squeeze but it's only temporary. We are looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead of us. And I've got another cold. I never get sick and yet I've gotten sick twice in the last two months. I think it may have something to do with us eating out so much with all that is going on. I think it's compromised my immune system and made me susceptible to more colds.
Closing is Wednesday and I was told they had a clear to close so we are good to go!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chaos's almost over (-:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday dinner on a Monday night

We are trying to use up large items in our freezer since the apartment has such a small freezer soooo...we are having a Sunday dinner on a Monday night.
Honey glazed spiral ham
Baked Potatoes


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fun at the Mexican Restaurant

More fair pictures

The fair

The Fair

I have a love affair with the fair. The food, the rides, the crafts, the local companies with all the giveaways, the crazy looking carnies, even the horse manure. I love it!! My favorite was the visit with the roosters and chickens as well as watching the steer being judged(the boys didn't find it very interesting they just wanted to go on the rides). I remember even as a little girl when we would go to a fair or strawberry festival I loved the animals and cloggers-I always secretly dreamed of being a farm girl and marrying a cowboy...I even wanted to be in the FFA when I was in high school...crazy confession I know...and it's funny how things change(although I still want to be a farm girl I'm totally content and blessed to have my Jersey boy who sneezes from even looking at a farm animal..he does look good in a cowboy hat though..I may just have a cowboy yet..)
I also love country festivals in the mountains complete with bluegrass and gospel music, cloggers, and kettle cooked apple butter...

I digress...anyway, we visited our local fair last night and although we didn't dive into the fair food($8 for fries is just crazy!) We did have a great time. The boys loved playing the bottle game where you have a little ring that you have to throw and get around the neck of the bottle. The older gentlemen manning the booth was so sweet. He overflowed the boys bucket with rings. They didn't win. ...then we bought another bucket and he gave us a bucket for free. Then one of the bottles broke and Nicholas told the man. Well, he gave them more rings for being honest. He really was a sweet man and although they didn't win(which secretly I was glad because they were HUGE stuffed animals and we have so many already) they had a great time! They rode rides and even banged their foreheads in the maze of glass and we watched crazy teenagers go on some rides that I wouldn't dare go on...

We ended the night by visiting a local Mexican restaurant as a treat instead of paying $60 for dinner at the was a great night.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


O.k. so we've purchased boxes and packed 1/2 the basement. We've rented an apartment with a garage to put our stuff in. The challenge is we are moving from a home with a basement and a garage into a small (1008sq ft) 2 bedroom/1 bath apartment..Yikes!
It will be close quarters for awhile, we told the boys it will be like us camping...for 3 months!!
We plan to start moving things in on September 25 because we close on September 30th which is a Wednesday.
I hate the packing part but I love the adventure part of this!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A New Obsession

The boys are really into skateboarding right now(and of course baseball) but they are constantly on them lately. They look so cute!
Busy, busy, busy week ahead. Boy Scouts tonight, baseball games Tues. and Thur. We are skipping baseball practice on Wed. to go to the fair. Along with home inspection, contractors coming(buyers request) and possibly the appraisal. Oh..and we have to start packing...
Pray for us...I'm grateful it's happening fast so we can get it over with I just have to pace myself.
God is good!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

No backyard chickens for ConcordJulie Rose Friday September 11, 2009

Keeping chickens as pets is a nationwide trend, and many major cities, including Charlotte, have changed their laws to accommodate backyard coops. But the City of Concord last night cried foul, voting to keep the chicken craze at bay. WFAE's Julie Rose reports: About 65 Concord residents created a Facebook page and spent the last six months trying to convince city officials to let them farm chickens in their backyards. Current city law prohibits livestock in areas zoned for single families. The chicken amendment would have limited families to six hens for personal egg production only. Roosters would never be allowed and chicken coops would have to meet a strict set of standards. After a brief public hearing, the Concord City Council rejected the proposal on a vote of 3 to 2, much to the dismay of Tanya ****** who moved to Concord in 2007. "They're not being progressive with their thinking," said Tanya ******. "They're not being supportive of the local food movement. So we feel like there's an underlying racism. They've made comments about other cultures before. So we really feel like it's about other cultures that they won't approve this amendment." At the Concord hearing last night, Kay Raiford was the only person to speak against the amendment. She says she lived in a Florida neighborhood where backyard chickens were noisy, messy and unbecoming of a "first-world" country. "Nor do I think that we should use tax dollars to have somebody - a government employee - monitor this," said Raiford. "It's a waste of tax dollars and basically it leads to a lower quality of life." The issue has been a divisive one in many cities, including Charlotte, which last year passed an ordinance to allow chickens in residential areas, although neighborhood covenant restrictions generally take precedence. 2 COMMENTS >>Leave a comment
Kay Raiford needs her head examined. Growing up surrounded by wealth and having all your needs met is a luxury not all of us have had. What about the yappy dog next door? Your racial & cultural innuendos are very apparent. Shame on you!
Comment by iceman - September 11, 2009 1:09 PM
What's next, banning dogs in the backyard? In my opinion Kay Raiford's twist on tax dollars is shallow and mindless at best. Our tax dollars are already paying a government employee to monitor animals; I believe it's called Animal control. "Unbecoming of a first-world country" Sounds like a comment made over a glass of sherry at the local Country Club. Wake up! Sure roosters should be banned, but a few hens for food is a right the people should have.
Comment by Lance000000000000000 - September 11, 2009 12:41 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

NPR was at the meeting last night (as well as the news media for the paper and t.v.) I was listening to NPR this morning (as I do most mornings) and they aired some of my interview with the reporter. They really reported accurately what happened(unlike the t.v. news media) and I'm so happy I was on there! I feel like a little chicken celebrity!
O.k. some were wondering about my de ja vu comment the other day. We listed our home for sale a week and 1/2 ago and again(like last time) we were having 2 offers submitted in one day-the first from the exact same realtor that submitted an offer last time (with a different client this time) and the second being an offer from a doctor( a different client but the exact same profession as our second offer last time). However, this time we accepted the first offer, not the second. I'm not holding my breathe though on this one. While the offer was strong and the person really wants the house, it boils down to the appraisal. Oh...and they want to move in Sept. 30 basically 2 1/2 weeks from now and I'm not packing a thing until the appraisal come back...oh..and we don't know where we are going to go...We need to find a month to month rental so we can get our bearings before we start home shopping again. I really hope that this will be our last home purchase in a very, very long time. D and I go back and forth on land vs. subdivision issue and with what happened last night with the chickens-my case just grew a bit stronger on the land..It's ultimately his decision as he is the head of the household but I know he loves me and wants what will make me happy and is best for the family so I'm confident in whatever he chooses will be best for us at the time. But for now, we aren't going to think about that we are just going to try and not be homeless in 2 1/1 weeks (-:
Well, the chicken's were denied. The City Council had made up there mind even before we showed up. Even after we had a large attendance of supporters and only 1 person opposing. Even though I have one foot out the door already with our home for sale I still wanted to see this through. I had started this process in late January and really needed to fulfill my there were 60 other residents counting on me being present. I really learned alot in this process. I learned that I can speak publicly without freaking out. I was super scared the first time especially when you have alot of eyes watching you from behind and your speaking to a panel that is *above* you..I mean that literally there panel is higher that where the presenter stands. That really gets on my nerves. Here these are officials that WE elected yet they sit on a panel higher than us...but I digress...
It taught me alot about politics and how it doesn't matter if you present facts or have a strong case. It doesn't matter if the public wants something..what matters is what THEY want, what THEY this is best for them, not the general public.
It taught me that the politicians in our town have some underlying racism issues. They have repeatedly (in the P&Z sector) made comments about *other cultures* and how they didn't think the other cultures(meaning Mexicans) wouldn't comply with our lengthly amendment. Well, news flash, there are already people keeping chickens illegally we were just trying to be responsible citizens and go about this legally. Why penalize us for other people that don't follow the rules?
Well, after this process it just confirms my beliefs more that you have to take care of your own family because the government isn't looking out for your best interest... just there own. I will continue to discuss with D the benefits of owning our own land with no restrictions so we can do as we please-to raise our own meat for food, to have our own organic gardens free from GMO's and other industrial products intending on polluting our food sources. To be as self sufficient as possible and to remember that our heavenly Father is in charge...he wants what is best for us and wants us to use our minds and our hands for good.
Council: Concord yards no place for chickens to roost
By Karen Cimino Wilson Independent Tribune
Published: September 11, 2009
Concord chickens will have to stay on the farm despite the efforts of a group of residents that organized on Facebook to change a city ordinance, allowing urban residents to keep up to six hens on their property.
Concord City Council voted 3-2 against changing the Concord Development Ordinance to allow the hens. The vote followed a public hearing on the proposal.
Most of the speakers at the public hearing were members of the Concord Chicken Club, a Facebook group that worked to raise the $400 fee required by the city to propose a text amendment to a city ordinance.
In February, resident Tanya ****** submitted a letter to the city requesting a change to the city's development ordinance and code of ordinances that would permit residents to maintain chickens on their property. She presented her request to the Concord Planning and Zoning Commission in May.
The commission expressed concerns about the appearance and structural integrity of the henhouse, permitting enforcement and waste management.
On July 21, the commission ended in a split vote on the change, which meant it went to the city council for a vote.
Tanya ****** said Thursday the proposed change developed out of a local food movement, which favors growing food locally to feed local people and reduce reliance on food sources that must be shipped to the community from all over the country.
Lateef Jackson, a Concord resident who lives on Cabarrus Avenue, spoke in favor of the change.
"If anyone had told me a year and a half ago when I moved in that I'd be speaking about a yard chicken movement, I would have said they're crazy," Jackson said.
But now he wants the option of raising his own chickens in his backyard.
"Decades ago, people in this community used to have gardens and hens in their yard for the same reason we want it now," he said.
The Concord Chicken Club specifically wanted to be allowed to have hens in their yards for the fresh eggs, members said. They had no interest in breeding or slaughtering the chickens.
The proposed ordinance would have prohibited roosters from being kept on the sites where hens were allowed.
Concord resident Aaron Newton said the waste hens produce can be used as fertilizer for gardens, they eat bugs and "best of all, they're a great source of great tasting eggs. Backyard eggs taste far better than commercial eggs."
One person spoke against the amendment, stating it would decrease the quality of life in Concord.
Council member Jim Ramseur said the reason why he voted to deny the change was that he didn't think it was best for the city as a whole.
"This is not just an issue of chickens. The planning and zoning commission gave us a negative recommendation," he said. "It's up to us to say what is best for the 80,000 citizens of Concord."

*I edited this article to take out my last name for our protection*
Concord City Council considers letting chickens live on residential property
By Karen Cimino Wilson Independent Tribune
Published: September 8, 2009
Concord residents may soon be allowed to house chickens on their residential property.
The city will host a public hearing at 7 p.m. Thursday on a proposed amendment to the Concord Development Ordinance that would allow residents to have up to six hens on their property. Roosters will never be allowed, however, according to city officials. Slaughtering chickens will also be prohibited.
In February 2009, in Concord resident Tanya ****** submitted a letter to the city requesting a change to the city's development ordinance and code of ordinances that would permit residents to maintain chickens on their property. She presented her request to the Concord Planning and Zoning Commission at its May meeting.
The commission tabled the request to allow the applicant to address some of their concerns.
The commission's concerns included the appearance and structural integrity of the henhouse, permitting, enforcement and waste management.
On July 21, the commission ended in a split vote on the change, which means the city council must vote on it.
Concord prohibits property owners from keeping livestock, or traditional farm animals, from living on property not designated as agricultural. Council members asked whether there had been any other exceptions to the rule.
"Horse are allowed under the Concord Development Ordinance on other larger properties," said city attorney Albert Benshoff.
Concord City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday in the council chambers in the Municipal Building at 26 S. Union St., Concord

*I edited out my last name*

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

De Ja vu....
That's all I can share right now, will share more later...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bo bear just got another baby squirrel this morning. He ate 1/2 the squirrel- the head and top 1/2...the boys are really upset and told him he can't have any more milk bones.
There must be a nest of them I haven't found yet but he has.
I understand he's just doing what is instinctual to him but I'm pretty upset with him right now.
Poor baby squirrel's...

Monday, September 7, 2009

We found this baby squirrel on our house this afternoon. Unfortunately Bo bear got a hold of one of his brothers or sisters and we had to (meaning me) get rid of it quickly. Usually I would leave that task to Darryl(or pretend I didn't see it and coincidentally see it when Darryl gets but the house was being shown soon and I couldn't leave it so I had to take care of it...yuck!

Also today the boys have been feeding Bo Bear biscuits like crazy and he developed a case of diarreha...gross...he had it on his bottom and it stunk up the whole house. Again, I would pretend I didn't know and leave him outside all day for Darryl to take care of ( I really am a good but no, today I had to take care of it myself. I called Darryl afterwards and he was cracking my secrets out..although he probably had me figured out 13 years ago I just led myself to believe that he didn't know...

I have such a good husband...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

This is my pumpkin yield for the season. Not very big but I only planted two plants and kept killing the vines because they were taking over the yard. This being my first real season of planting and actually taking care of my garden, I think it's pretty good. These are heirloom variety pumpkins and I love the shape of the two larger ones. They are on proud display throughout my home as I add a little splash of fall this afternoon. I love them!!
I've harvested a ton of tomatoes this season. Mostly they were little Roma types. My big tomatoes never really took off. I think I spaced the plants way to close together so I definitely learned to give them more room next season. Nevertheless, I'm dried some, I've canned some, and we've eaten a ton! The gourds are still hanging on and I'm super excited to see how they turn out too. My okra is on fire and they get so big so fast, it's hard to keep up.
I've canned the last of the cucumbers making a bunch of sweet relish and I'm hoping in a couple of weeks when we go apple pickin' to can a bunch of apples, applesauce, etc. I've never done that before so we'll see how it goes. I also planted a fall garden today-carrots, lots of spinach, red romaine lettuce, petit lettuce, swiss chard, brussel sprouts, and lots of cabbage. We love sauerkraut and it's really ,really good for you and so easy to make. I made some with our spring harvest of purple cabbage it was so good!
Here's to bountiful blessings and good harvest times!!
(I'm channeling my inner farm girl)...

Friday, September 4, 2009

O.k. the boys want to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Halloween. This is a bit of a challenge because it's tradition that I make their costumes-we LOVE Halloween!!
I'm going to have to wing this...seeing as I don't have any direction But my friend, Lynn gave me some ideas today on how to make the turtle shell so I'm hoping to get started this weekend.
I'll keep you posted...I'm so excited!!!
I've also invited some friends to come over on Halloween to go from our home up to the Main street to Trick or Treat. Here on our main street is the best trick or treating I've ever seen in my life. It's unbelievable how the people decorate there homes and make it an experience to go and get the candy. I can't wait!
Today we had an impromptu park day with some other homeschoolers we know. The boys played for 7 HOURS with their friends. I also had such a good time, especially with my friends Elise and Lynn...we really had some great talks today and I got some free therapy from them. Lynn has such a sweet disposition and you just can't help but want to spill your guts to her and's seems we are two peas in a pod and she makes me crack up so much I pee my pants('s true a couple of times actually)...
It was a great day and now we are home the kids having a picnic in the living room watching a movie...
Thank you Lord I really needed a day like today...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I just wrote a check for the very last payment on my Expedition!!!Woot!! As of today, we no longer have any car payments...I feel so good about that!
But...Darryl's car is on it's last this may not last for long....unless we can come up with a large sum of money to buy a car cash...
Oh well...for now we are car payment free and I'm going to revel in it!!

This post is for my dad. You see my lovely step mom ,whom I adore, informed me that my dad is on a juicing/smoothie kick lately. So, I thought I could add to his recipe repertoire one of my favorite smoothie recipes. The boys love it, it's great for your digestion, has Omega 3's up the's just a

great dad, if your reading this try it!

2 cups of raw milk Kefir (Kefir is kindof like yogurt with live cultures that you let sit on your counter top in raw milk for a couple of days to grow-sounds gross but it's great for you and it tastes like yogurt)

Handful of blueberries

Handful of strawberries

2 bananas

Ground flaxseeds(I buy whole flaxseeds and grind them in a coffee grinder)

Spoonful of raw, local honey

And if I'm feeling particularly healthy that morning, I'll throw in a couple of handfuls of spinach.

You never taste it, it just turns the smoothie green but adds some veggies.

That's it-my favorite healthy smoothie!

Enjoy it-love you Dad!

Apparantly, I still mix the boys up. Nicholas is sleeping in my bed, not Matthew.
It's 8:30 am and the boys are still sleeping. Matthew is in my bed and I keep going in to peek at him because he's just so precious. I normally wouldn't let them sleep this long but they were up a bit late last night. D worked late so we didn't get to eat dinner until 7:30. By the time dinner was done, teeth brushed, pjs on it was late. And the boys are reading Dr. Doolittle with daddy at night. They begged to stay up later to read it-who can refuse a book? Not me! So, I'll let them sleep and we'll start late big deal although at this rate we may be having brunch together instead of breakfast. One of the blessings of homeschooling (-:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept 1st is here! I have mixed feelings about fall coming in. It's my absolute favorite time of year. I want to savor every minute. I love the smells, the sweaters, the pumpkins, Halloween, the leaves...everything. I love it so much that when it starts I feel sad knowing it's going to that weird?
We've already been back to school for a week now but today we changed it up a bit. The weather is unbelievably beautiful with highs in the 70's so we took our school outside this morning! The boys have really been keeping on track and doing great. I thought it would be hard because the swing and the grass are so tempting to just run and play but they really have been great. Nicholas said he loves the way the sun feels on his back. I think this afternoon we'll take a walk or a bike ride together.

I have all the windows open too. I love the way the house smells with the fresh air coming in and the beauty of the curtains blowing in the wind.

Thank you Lord for this special treat.
We visited a cub scout troop last night to see if the boys(and us) were interested in joining. It was a homeschool-only group and I didn't know what to expect. I was so impressed!
It was really large, much bigger than I expected. The boys were hesitant to go(especially Nicholas) . When we got there I think he was overwhelmed by the size and didn't want to go in. He was scared, so I brought him outside--we talked and hugged and came back in. They got to make homemade rockets and then compete outside in different contests(targets and height contests) The boys had a blast! When we were leaving they kept asking if they could join! What a difference from 2 hours before. I'm really glad we went. It seems like a great troop. Only problem is our baseball schedule. The boys asked if they would miss baseball to be in the troop and I said I'm not sure. Now, they are unsure if they want to join because baseball is super important to them too. Such decisions (-: