Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We have reached a sad milestone...

Nicholas and Matthew are spending the night at a friend's house tonight because I'm having surgery in the morning. Well, Nicholas doesn't want to bring Bear. Bear is his teddy bear from babyhood and he is missing most of his hair and has bandages all over because his stuffing is coming out. So, I just heard Nicholas tell Bear he couldn't come tonight because he was scared his friend would make fun of Bear and he didn't want to be embarrassed. I know Nicholas is really concerned with his *image* but that makes me sad that he wouldn't bring his most beloved possession, just because he was scared of being made fun of by others. What do I say to that? I want him to be strong enough to not care what others think, especially at the expense of a *family member*. I know that he is struggling with this... I hope that he will reconsider...I'll keep you updated...

1 comment:

  1. ok, so you are moving and are having surgery? do tell.
