Tuesday, March 16, 2010

That Sneaky, Sneaky Leprechaun...

Every year Mr. Sneaky Leprechaun visits our home.  And every year the boys master mind traps to try and catch him.  Because we all know if you catch a leprechaun you get his pot of gold, right?  Well, this year is no different.  I have loaned out my earrings because the boys wouldn't take the chance to put in the *real* gold coin Daddy brought home from his last business trip, so I had to scrounge up some gold earrings.  They worked all evening trying to find the best way to catch the sneaky leprechaun.
Here is Nicholas's first trap.  He has enticed the leprechaun with a colorful rainbow and inside the box is an gold earring in the pot-o-construction paper.  He has tied fishing line to the top of the box so when the leprechaun enters the box, Nicholas then pulls the invisible string  which in turn causes the top of the box to close and catch him!

Here is Matthew's box.  And while his is not as colorful, you do see the pot-o-green drawn in.  However, Matthew has ingeniusly TAPED down the earring to frustrate the leprechaun in the hopes of gaining more time to catch him-Brilliant!!  He has also used the fishing line trigger method in hopes of closing the box when the leprechaun enters.

Here is Matthew's warning system.  He has set up an alarm and light to distract the leprechaun and wake him up so that he can catch him.

And Nicholas's system is equally sneaky.  He has tied fishing line from one end of his bedroom to the other.  And on the one line he has two spoons.  When the leprechaun walks into the room, he will trip on the line, which will in turn cause the spoons to rattle and alarm the boys to wake up.

Now, these traps are especially good this year.  But, as we all know, leprechauns are very, very hard to catch.  But, I do know that last year Mr. Sneaky Leprechaun, while not getting caught, was very amused and left the boys some treats...but also some tricks...stay tuned to see what happens tomorrow!

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