So, our pretty new(3 years) old washing machine has been on the fritz for a while....since December...early December. I have hated this thing since we bought it and secretly have been hoping it would die so we could buy a new one, but on the other hand knowing how close we are to being debt free, I was hoping it would last for a bit longer(seeing that it's only 3 years old). I know some people LOVE their front loaders but I personally hate it..especially mine. So, we've had some leaking problems and problems with it stopping mid load, draining issues, etc. Darryl has been super busy every night with a project for work with a looming deadline, so I hate to bring it up to him..especially since I'm already harping on him about our garden beds and chicken coop. So, finally after much frustration, we called a repairman yesterday. He said it would be $100 to fix the bellow and it should be good....
So, I go out with some friends for a nice dinner knowing that Darryl was home with this repair guy taking care of the situation. I get a call about 2 hours in to our lovely dinner informing me that there was alot more wrong with the washer and the bill was over $400!!!! It was orginally $600 but Darryl talked with the guy and got him to lower it to $428....what a way to sour my dinner )-:'s the beginning of the month and we've already had to shell this out. On the plus side, it has a warranty for 2 years so I get to use it for another 2 years...yeah!!!(insert sarcasmn here)....
Well, least we had the money to pay for it and I do get to catch up on laundry now...still hoping for debt payoff by the end of this month. I'm going to have to get super creative with the budget and really eat from our pantry instead of grocery shopping. I did go yesterday and noticed Aldi's prices went up quite a bit from just a few weeks ago. Apples were .20 more a bag, butter had gone up quite a bit and several other items. We really need to focus on those gardens and chickens because I fear, no not fear..I feel the need to prepare..for the rising grocery costs and I believe it do dilegence in that respect. Plus, who doesn't LOVE a homegrown tomato?
Gotta go now. We are having a pajama school day today since it's rainy and cold. I'm also going to try and convert several pairs of pants I don't wear anymore into maternity pants....
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