Sunday, August 28, 2011

Preserving the Harvest at Hickory Nut Homestead

I got to can some bread and butter pickles this week from our wonderful supply of Japanese cucumbers we grew.  We are hoping to enjoy these in the next couple of weeks and through the winter.
I'm hoping to can some banana peppers this week as well, as we've had a lovely crop of those as well.
And, we've had a bumper crop of okra and I'm researching canning okra as well. 
Our tomatoes didn't do great this year.  I've made some mistakes such as planting them too close together.  We also got infested with tomato horn caterpillars..yuck!  I've planted a fall garden this week and hope to get some yummy cabbage(for sauerkraut), broccoli, sugar snap peas, brussel sprouts and such.
Overall, I've learned alot this year and hope to have a much larger garden next year. We plan to fence in the area this winter and make it look more attractive. 
Also, we plan to start clearing some land for some pigs we'd like to get in the spring as well. 
Busy times on Hickory Nut Homestead but it's so  much fun!
Oh, forgot to add...I'll be selling homemade vanilla on the website in the next coming weeks so be sure to be on the lookout.  This vanilla is made from Madagascar vanilla beans and you only use a little bit-it's pure, strong, and makes your baked goods so much better...stay tuned!

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