With my new Bosch universal plus mixer..oh my It's a homemakers dream machine(I sound like a commercial).
I love to make all the bread items for our family. I make all of our sandwich breads, artisan breads, pizza crusts, quick breads, and would like to make homemade tortillas (I already purchased a press) and pita breads. I love that they are free of nasty preservatives and are made with whole ingredients we can pronounce and they taste so much better. But, as much as I enjoy making these things, it takes time and time I don't have alot of...
Well, I asked for the Bosch for my birthday and Darryl said he just couldn't buy me an appliance but gave me the blessing to go ahead and order it if I felt it would benefit our family. Well, of course, it's not something we needed, I have a Kitchen Aid mixer and my hands knead perfectly well, but it surely would make my life a little easier. It took a little more convincing after he saw the price tag, but gave me the go ahead. Oh my!! I made 5, yes 5 loaves of whole wheat sandwich bread this morning and it was so easy!! I just dumped some of the ingredients in, let it proof for 20 minutes, added the rest, and let the machine do all the kneading. It was so easy!! My KitchenAid would start burning up with just enough for 2 loaves of bread, this one did 5 and it was no big deal. I am so excited about all the possibilities this machine has opened up for me. I'm thinking of later this afternoon, making just a bunch of freshly, ground soft white dough and freezing it in smaller portions for when we want garlic bread or an artisan loaf with soup, I can just thaw out a 1lb portion that I've previously frozen and we can have bread with all our dinners quickly.
And mostly, I'm thankful that:
1. We could make this unnecessary purchase in this economic climate we are in..I'm so thankful for my husband's job as much as I complain about how much he has to work(because we miss him) I'm thankful he has a job.
2. That my husband let me to purchase it because he knew it would make my life easier and I think that's so sweet.
3. That he appreciates all the hard work I do to make wholesome, good foods for the family . He's always bragging to people about my cooking(I couldn't boil water 13 years ago).
So, in this season of giving thanks, I have much to be thankful for.
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