We bought some gifts for Operation Christmas Child this year. I don't know why we've never done this before. It's a mission from
Samaritan's Purse that focuses on bringing a shoebox full of Christmas gifts to children around the world as well as sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to these children. It's a wonderful organization headed by Franklin Graham and we were so excited to be a part of it this year. You get to choose what age and gender you want to buy for and, of course, the boys picked a boy age 5-9. We hit the stores shopping and the boys were so excited to pick out toys for him. Both my boys LOVE stuffed animals so they had to pick out a special one for the boy and kiss it for them. They also filled it with candy, a football, and lots of little goodies. They also took some time yesterday to make lovely cards filled with information about them and questions for the little boy, a picture, and an address with hopes of the little boy writing back.
It was really fun and helped reinforce to them how much greater it is to give than receive.
We had a little photo session last night with our wrapped
shoeboxes and while Darryl made the boys laugh, I took some pictures...
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