Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hangin' with the big boys

Friday night we got to go to our local high school's baseball game.  The little league players were invited out onto the field to meet the high school players and stand with them during the national anthem.

Here's Matthew checking everyone out.

And Nicholas doing the same thing.

Here is Nicholas learing a new handshake.

And Matthew standing with the first baseman.  It's so hard to believe that they will be this big in just a couple short years.

"If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy,

           I can only conclude that I was not made for here..."

~Brooke Fraser "C.S. Lewis Song"
I took this from another blog called The Flourishing Mother.  This speaks volumes to me as I meditate on it this Sunday, our Lord's day.
Blessings to you all...

After 2.5 hours at the concert

Of Singing, Screaming, Jumping..and more screaming...
Here we are giddy with excitment, but boy did our feet hurt!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Girls night...

A little dinner Uptown...

A little of Jon...

A little more of Jon...

Oh...the band was good too...

It was all good...thanks to my husband who got us tickets.
These guys, while I've loved them since I was 11, are just second fiddle to #1 Jersey guy, Darryl...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

House debacle

House is coming along....
Darryl and I have gone to battle several times in the last 3 weeks and frankly I'm exhausted...
The fireplace is being ripped out and redone because it wasn't what we asked for..
The island is being rebuilt because it looks like garbage and the countertops won't fit...
We had to pick out different wood floors because the floors we ordered are on backorder...forever..
But...It's absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to live there...

Guess where I'm going tomorrow?

Hint #1

It's a concert

Hint #2

I have been a fan since I was 11 years old

Hint #3

I got to go on stage with them once and
I got to meet the lead singer and take a picture with him once

Hint #4

I'll be Livin' on a Prayer

(yes, I know I'm bragging...)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A quick update...

Some more housing issues have hopefully been resolved this week, not before making my face breakout from all the stress...
The boys played two games of baseball today.  First game they won, second they lost which is the first this season.  They played them back to back and I really think they were really tired the second one.  There was alot of fielding errors but they were both good games and they had fun which is the most important thing...
We bought all of our bee supplies today and will be getting bees early next week.  We are excited about that!
I'm utterly exhausted from this week but feel blessed.  Really, my problems aren't problems they are blessings...I just need some rest.  I was so cranky today I told Darryl  I just needed some ice cream and a muzzle for my mouth...  Darryl, the wonderful husband he is, told me to get comfy when we got home, he made dinner tonight, cleaned up the entire dinner himself and went to the store and bought me ice cream...he is so good to me I don't deserve him sometimes....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A baseball outing...

Yesterday we spent the morning at an Intimidators game.  It was F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G.....but fun!
The boys hoped to catch a ball but mostly they loved to compare the players hitting stances to their own.  We had a great time and I was ever so grateful to go with the boys for a change of pace to our homeschooling day.  I was ever so grateful for the heat when we got back into the car as well!
No worries typical Carolina spring's 75 today so the heat has been turned off and the windows open!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

House update

For all of you sitting on the edge of your seats wondering about my microwave saga...
Crisis has been averted due to my cunning research and negotiation skills...
You may all breathe a sigh of relief now... I know you were worried...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Homeschool burnout

I've got it.
I want this school year to be done with.
I'm pushing myself constantly to be *responsible* and get this schoolwork done for the year.
I want to be at the beach right now.
By myself.

More progress on the house

Siding almost completed.  Painting has begun inside as well as all the trim work.  We've run into another issue yesterday which may seem trivial to some but it's not trivial to me.  So, I'm going to blog about it...
We purchased all matching appliances for the kitchen.  Not meaning all stainless steel(which we did do that) but all matching brand name.  Now it may seem dumb to some, but to me it's important.  We spent more money doing it this way but I wanted it to all match.  We had purchased an above the range microwave with a vent to the outside(the exact same one we bought for our last home).  Well, the builder just tried to order it and they discontinued the microwave.  Ugh...
The problem comes in that we purchased a 36" microwave because we purchased a 36" induction cooktop.
Most microwaves are 30", not 36"  The only one the builder can find that is the same quality as the one we purchased is a different brand...What am I to do!!
I'm laughing at the stupidity of this and frustrated all at the same time.  Our options are to deal with it(which is not really an option for me), to reconfigure the entire kitchen and put a range hood over the cooktop and put a 30" microwave built in somewhere else in the kitchen(not really an option for the builder because the cabinetry was to be installed this week) or we can run away to the Caribbean and forget we even started this whole process...

If I ever get the urge to move again...please for the love of all things good...please remind me of this...please...

My boys...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter supper

Easter Supper Menu

Honey Glazed Ham
Hash brown cheese casserole
Deviled eggs
Roasted Asparagus
Honey Glazed Rolls
Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Farm Name

How do I have 13 votes but 7 are for Hickory Nut Homestead and 7 are for Heritage Acres Homestead?
I'm not a math whiz or anything, but doesn't 7+7=14?  Maybe someone voted for both?
Please continue voting if you haven't it's neck and neck and well...we all know how I deal with making big decisions, right?


I hate making big decisions especially ones that involve my children's future.  I feel like I'm going to mess it all up.  I'm also always scared I'm going to make a decision in haste even if it's taken me quite awhile to make that decision.  Our big one lately is whether or not to continue piano lessons with the boys. Piano is great because it does teach them so much.  They *somewhat* enjoy it  and do love playing for the nursing home residents.  The problem is that we are getting too busy.  I don't want us to be one of those families that lives in the car running here and there constantly. I don't want us to be rushed in our schoolday because we have SO much to do.    I want the boys to be able to be boys...playing in the dirt, building things, etc.  Also to us, Family Time is Number #1 takes precidence over any other activity we are involved in..  Not that piano takes this all away but when you factor in time with friends, homeschool field trips and of course their other activity baseball...well it all adds up to a rushed family and a frustrated mommy.    I believe one extra curricular activity is enough.  And I KNOW without a doubt that the activity is baseball.  Those boys LOVE baseball.  So, somethings got to give.  But, I feel bad pulling them from an activity I know is good for them as well, know what I mean?  Darryl and I have discussed this quite a few times and I think he just so enjoys watching them play it's hard for him to see giving it up....
Decisions...I hate making them...
Can you give me any advice?