Thursday, April 1, 2010


I hate making big decisions especially ones that involve my children's future.  I feel like I'm going to mess it all up.  I'm also always scared I'm going to make a decision in haste even if it's taken me quite awhile to make that decision.  Our big one lately is whether or not to continue piano lessons with the boys. Piano is great because it does teach them so much.  They *somewhat* enjoy it  and do love playing for the nursing home residents.  The problem is that we are getting too busy.  I don't want us to be one of those families that lives in the car running here and there constantly. I don't want us to be rushed in our schoolday because we have SO much to do.    I want the boys to be able to be boys...playing in the dirt, building things, etc.  Also to us, Family Time is Number #1 takes precidence over any other activity we are involved in..  Not that piano takes this all away but when you factor in time with friends, homeschool field trips and of course their other activity baseball...well it all adds up to a rushed family and a frustrated mommy.    I believe one extra curricular activity is enough.  And I KNOW without a doubt that the activity is baseball.  Those boys LOVE baseball.  So, somethings got to give.  But, I feel bad pulling them from an activity I know is good for them as well, know what I mean?  Darryl and I have discussed this quite a few times and I think he just so enjoys watching them play it's hard for him to see giving it up....
Decisions...I hate making them...
Can you give me any advice?


  1. You can always "take a break" from piano and see how that feels. If in a few months you aren't happy with it then add it back in. At our piano studio our teacher only teaches for a few weeks in the summer. Maybe you could just take the summer off and reevaluate in the Fall. The boys could continue to practice a few times a week so they don't lose everything.

    Hope that helps!

  2. have you thought of a DVD teaching course? It's SO hard to feel pulled every which way and prioritize... :) Family time and time to be boys is indeed more important than piano, if piano is interrupting that.
