Siding almost completed. Painting has begun inside as well as all the trim work. We've run into another issue yesterday which may seem trivial to some but it's not trivial to me. So, I'm going to blog about it...
We purchased all matching appliances for the kitchen. Not meaning all stainless steel(which we did do that) but all matching brand name. Now it may seem dumb to some, but to me it's important. We spent more money doing it this way but I wanted it to all match. We had purchased an above the range microwave with a vent to the outside(the exact same one we bought for our last home). Well, the builder just tried to order it and they discontinued the microwave. Ugh...
The problem comes in that we purchased a 36" microwave because we purchased a 36" induction cooktop.
Most microwaves are 30", not 36" The only one the builder can find that is the same quality as the one we purchased is a different brand...What am I to do!!
I'm laughing at the stupidity of this and frustrated all at the same time. Our options are to deal with it(which is not really an option for me), to reconfigure the entire kitchen and put a range hood over the cooktop and put a 30" microwave built in somewhere else in the kitchen(not really an option for the builder because the cabinetry was to be installed this week) or we can run away to the Caribbean and forget we even started this whole process...
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