Well, we spent the weekend meeting with a builder, looking at homes, looking at land and more and more land..and homes...
At first it was really fun, but then it started getting old. We are all over the place on what we want and need to narrow it down a bit. Also, with all the foreclosures and short sales out there it is making it tempting to go that route. But through the frenzy as I sat in my quiet time this morning, I was wondering...are we going down the same route again? Getting caught up in the moment and not following the path we wanted to? It's so tempting to see a brand new beautiful home that 2 years ago WAY WAY out of our budget, now a bit more reachable. But, do we really want to stretch ourselves just to have that home? I like living very comfortably and not worrying about money. I like having money in the bank and savings accounts. I like being able to sign the boys up for piano and art and sports. Going down this road could lead to more stricter budgets. Not because we want to budget to save as much as possible(which is what I normally do-I'm very frugal) but because we would have to budget to make sure our bills would get paid...It's fun to dream but the reality is scary. I know lots and lots of people live within their means, in fact way below their means and I know alot of people struggle because they live way above their means and it causes stress in their marriage and stress in life. While I'm glad we moved because we truly never felt at home in the last home, it's hard to know where to go from here. Prices really haven't fallen as much as we thought(unless it's a cookie-cutter subdivision-those you can score incredible deals)...
We thought we would have our pickin' of beautiful lots and low cost homes and that really isn't the case. What we are finding is that unless it's a foreclosure or short sale where the folks just gave up(or had to give up) the home prices are still kindof high because people owe so much and they are so upside down on their homes. I can't in good conscience go into someones home where they live with their family and have memories and stories and low ball the price of their family home. I feel o.k. with it if it's already in foreclosure or a builder's house but I just can't do it the other way. I feel so bad for these people that are stuck with these huge mortgages praying that someone will pay these huge amounts for homes that aren't worth it anymore and may never be again.
So, we will continue to look and hopefully streamline our needs and desires in a home and stick with it regardless of what else pops up. I'm praying that the Lord will lead us in the right direction...
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