Then he took me to a Mexican restaurant for lunch because apparently they hoot, whistle and holler when it's your birthday-as well as give you silly hats to wear. We then went home to get ready for the boys baseball game. I love watching the boys play baseball. We did have to take Nicholas out of the game though-which the coach from the opposing team did not get. You see, Nicholas was having some character and heart issues. The coach had put him in outfield because he switches them around periodically. Well, Nicholas started crying. Now, if this was the first time we could understand he may be confused..but it's not. We have repeatedly talked to him about being a team player, not being prideful, and being considerate of others feelings. How will the other children feel that are always in the outfield if he cries everytime he's put out there?
It shows them that they are in a bad players and not important. It makes me very upset when he does this. We've talked and talked with him about this. Last game when he cried because he thought he was going out into the outfield the coach gave in and put him back on second base. Oh boy! Was I mad..but I didn't say anything and we just talked with him again at the end of the game. So, it was comin' to Jesus time for Nicholas...he started crying this last game and would not stop making a little bit of a scene out there in outfield. The kids finished the inning and were coming into bat and we pulled him out of the rest of the game. He was shocked and cried and cried! He couldn't believe we would actually pull him out. So, him and I sat in the car for awhile and talked about what happened and why it happened. How we love him and how we really needed to nip this in the bud. How he wasn't being like Jesus and how our sinful natures can sometimes get the best of us. I let him cool down a bit and went to the dugout to talk with Darryl and the opposing teams coach was right there. He couldn't believe we pulled him out and thought is was dumb(he thinks the twins are really good players). I told him that baseball didn't matter, my son's heart and character matter. Well, I felt bad about that afterwards because I was acting superior and I had just reprimanded Nicholas for the same thing...gosh...Mommy screwed up too...
Nicholas calmed down and we came to an understanding about how to make this right. He sat with me near the home plate to cheer on his team and it was alright after that.
It ended up being a wonderful birthday and although I dislike having those moments, I'm glad it worked out and hope that through those moments, God's grace and mercy will reflect through me and resonate with my kids...
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