Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday afternoon
D and the boys are outside playing in the snow, while I whip up a favorite for supper. Meatloaf(my special recipe they love it!), buttery, creamy mashed potatoes, and peas. For dessert-a rustic cranberry pie made in my cast iron skillet baked in the oven. After we eat, it's time for games-we are loving Ticket to Ride so that's probably the game of choice tonight. A perfect Sunday afternoon...
I finally did it!
And what do I do now? I guess I could read another book that may explain different books of the Bible, but then that's someone else's interpretation, not mine necessarily. Maybe this was God's intention for me to question and really become grounded in my faith through exploring and asking questions we are sometimes scared to ask. I'll pray about it and see where he leads me....
Saturday, January 30, 2010
More property pictures
Anne Frank
Snow day today!
Our property-this is off of the driveway...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
To Do this Week
Set up financial goals for the New Year(I'm a bit late on this but better late then never) I'll be posting our financial goals to help me become more accountable to our spending
Set up monthly menu planner-I usually do this weekly but I really like to start doing it monthly
Make a list of easy, quick meals and always have ingredients on hand to avoid temptation to eat out
We've had some setbacks on the land and some LARGE expenses that have popped up in regards to the land (who knew an artesian well would pop up at the highest point on the property?) And while I'm freaking out about the extra expenses, I've received some good news today-Darryl recieved an unexpected bonus, the bank gave us some good news, and thankfully I've squirelled away enought savings to pay for the extra expenses. Thank you Dave Ramsey!
At least we aren't in prime, yard sale season because the temptation is so great to spend(I LOVE going to yard sales for the bargains) and even though we like to visit auctions and may attend some farm auctions this month or next, we are very conservative on bidding-usually we go and just watch for the fun of it...
So, I'll update soon on our new financial goals and hope to go out to the property tomorrow to take some pictures. They are clearing more trees today and hopefully setting the footers tomorrow!
Edited to add: Thank you to the Lord for whom all blessings flow!
Monday, January 25, 2010
A homeschooling mom's confession...
Watching the class online.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
All Moved again...
Blessings everyone!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Prayers for Haiti
But, then as I pray for these people and especially the little children and mothers...I see...
I never, ever think about Haiti. I never pray for those people..ever. This has really given me pause and I believe God placed that on my heart this morning that yes this is a horrible tragedy, but these people needed our prayers and support and love BEFORE this happened...I will pray for Haiti now more than ever. I know that through this somehow, God WILL be glorified.
On a side note, we were looking up charities this morning to donate to and we found God's Little Angels(courtesy of Laurie). GLA's is the orphanage in Haiti. They believe that they will need much more support now than ever as sadly there will be lots more orphans to take in. Matthew asked if we could adopt one...he really wants to help. His heart is so big and he truely has a servant's attitude-I can learn so much for him... Along with supporting Haiti with our money, I do hope I can do something with the boys so that they can help as well. If you are reading this and looking for a charity to support in Haiti, this seems like a good one. I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful ones..I think the point being we all need to do our part to show Haiti how much we care. I found in coincidental this morning that in our morning Bible study we were at the point in the Bible where Jesus is talking with his disciples and thanking them for giving him clothing when he was naked, for feeding him when he was hungry, for taking him in when he was a stranger. They wondered how this could be because they never saw Jesus hungry or thirsty, etc. But Jesus said(I'm paraphrasing of course), "Because you have done it to one of these My brothers, even the smallest of them, it is as if you did it to me."
We are his hands and feet. Let us all remember(me especially-I can be so selfish) to be his hands and feet and to help the lesser of these...
I pray for all of those precious children for I know they are scared, lonely, hungry and sad. I pray for those mothers that have missing children or whose children have perished. The pain, the agony, I'm sure the screaming you hear on the news must be happening continually from the shear sadness and heartbreak they must feel....I pray for those fathers that lost their families or who have perished in buildings, trucks,etc.....
I'm going to give my family extra hugs and kisses today and thank the Lord for just one more day with's truly a blessing. Thank you Lord, I don't deserve it, but am so grateful.
Friday, January 8, 2010
My husband takes such good care of me...
We are moving our storage stuff tomorrow to the new town and next week will be moving the apartment. So, Darryl got the truck tonight to load it up. We have a ton, I mean a ton of stuff in there it's really big as you can see it will fill this whole truck..and that's just our storage stuff. We'll have to rent two large units. Anyway, I digress, it's freezing here in N.C. as is much of the Eastern Seaboard. I mean crazy cold. Well, Darryl decided tonight that I should stay in with the boys, he will load it ALL HIMSELF! He really did want me to stay in with the boys out of the cold and said he could handle it...he's so good to me...
Well, I had to find some way to repay him and while it was small in comparison, It warmed him up in that cold. I made homemade hot chocolate. This recipe is sinful. I adapted it from a recipe I found on It just wasn't fattening enough so I had to make it richer. The recipe calls for 6 1/2 cups of water and I instead used 2 cups of water and 4 1/2 cups of whole milk...if your gonna do it...then do it..why wimp out and use all water? I think not! It was so good, as you can see from his smiling face in the picture... So, without further adieu...
Creamy Hot Chocolate
1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/8 tsp of salt
1 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
4 1/2 cups of milk
2 cups of water( you can try all milk if you'd like...I may next time if I'm feeling particulary naughty)
Mix the sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, salt and vanilla extract in a medium sized pot. Add the milk and water and stir frequently. I used a whisk and I think that helped distribute the cocoa and not leave any lumps. Serve with whipped cream or marshmallows. Enjoy!
A new hobby...
What? I was blown away....
He's met them twice, maybe 3 times and they are much younger than the boys so they didn't play with them very much, but yet he had a desire to do something for them. His hearts desire is to give and serve and I haven't made that possible lately for them and I'm going to work on that. I just couldn't believe it...sometimes they really suprise me and I'm so glad I the Holy Spirit and to my son..I learned more yesterday from him than he learned from me.
At night they set up their Webkinz in different configurations. Sometimes they are in a fort camping, sometimes in a pyramid, sometimes cuddled in bed with the boys.
Here they are on the floor in blankets(because it's cold of course!) watching over the boys while they sleep.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I'm a winter weather geek...

But what is weird is that while I love the possibility of snow and I love watching it fall, after about an hour of being in it, I'm done. I don't like being cold and wet. Specifically cold...when we go skiing or tubing, I wear like a crazy amount of clothes. Seriously, the pictures earlier this week of us at Beech Mountain, I had long johns, 2 pairs of pants, a thermal shirt, a turtleneck and a ski bib on. Then when I knew we would be outside for a longer period of time, I added a sweatshirt on top, a huge ski jacket, a 7 foot long scarf that I wrapped around my neck and entire face, ski gloves and a hat. I look like a rolly polly...but I can't stand to be cold...or hot for that matter. And I try doing the same thing to the boys-remember that little boy from The Christmas Story? When the mama wraps him up so much he can't even put down his arms? That's me! And Darryl is the complete opposite. He'll send them out if they have a sweater and some shoes on (-:
So, I'm excited about the possibility of the snow this week. I'm not terribly excited about it on Friday, since we are moving the storage stuff to our new town, which means I'll be the snow...and cold...
Maybe I can just stay inside and watch and make everyone some hot cocoa and pizza and watch the snow you think I can get away with that?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Yummy Banana Oat Muffins
Here is the recipe:
Banana Oat Muffins (adapted from a recipe found on changed some of the ingredients to make it healthier)
3/4 cup of Freshly Ground Hard Winter Wheat flour*
3/4 cup of Freshly Ground Soft White*
1 cup of Oats(the old fashioned, not the instant)
1/2 cup of Sucanat
2 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp of salt
1 egg
3/4 cup of raw milk
1/2 cup of applesauce
1/2 tsp of vanilla
1 cup of mashed bananas(I mashed three large into the batter)
Combine flours, oats, Sucanat, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
In another large bowl, lightly beat egg. Stir in milk, applesauce, and vanilla. Add banana. Stir in flour mixture, just until the ingredients are incorporated. The secret to good muffins is not to overmix-they become dry and tough-so just until everything is wet.
Fill 12 muffin tins with batter and cook at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes.
*You certainly don't have to use freshly ground flour if you don't have a grain mill. A substitution would be 3/4c whole wheat flour and 3/4 all purpose unbleached flour.
Let me know if you make them and if you like them. I think next time I may add some raisins for a variation or some dried cranberries but they are good on there own as well. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Years continued...
New Years continued...
We decide to next head to Beech Mountain. We read that they had a free sledding hill where the town blew snow and maintained the hill. So, we decided to head up the mountain from Boone. This place was great! It was a like a winter wonderland! Beech Mountain is the highest town in the eastern US at over 5500 feet. It was such a cute looked like we were in a small town in Switzerland. It was snowing when we got there and everything was covered in was beautiful! I don't recall seeing so much in a long time!
First we headed to the cute general store for provisions-boo boo cream for Nicholas and chocolate treats for the family. The snow was so deep and powdery and was perfect for sledding. Nicholas didn't last too long so I stayed out with Matthew.
New Years Day
We headed to Boone first and found a sledding hill on the side of the road. There were lots of families there so we figured it was pretty good. Well, it was really, really, really icy. Everyone was FLYING down the hill. It was lightly snowing and freezing but the boys had such a great time...until...