My boys love
Webkinz! I guess it's the age but they talk about
Webkinz constantly. And what is so sweet is that they buy each other
Webkinz with their allowance money. Nicholas got in a bit of trouble a couple of weeks ago and had to stay home with me while Daddy and Matthew went to a fun event. Well, Matthew felt so bad, he asked his Daddy to stop at the store and bought Nicholas a
Webkinz. It was so sweet to see that brotherly love(my sister and I would have NEVER done that-which I guess is sad in it's own right but that's a different post). So, now Nicholas wants to buy Matthew the brand new German Shepard
Webkinz. It's really hard to find and every night he's asked Darryl or me to look on the computer to try and find it for his's so sweet.
At night they set up their
Webkinz in different configurations. Sometimes they are in a fort camping, sometimes in a pyramid, sometimes cuddled in bed with the boys.
Here they are on the floor in blankets(because it's cold of course!) watching over the boys while they sleep.

And here is just a bonus picture of my sweet Nicholas with my Koala bear from childhood and his much loved Bear. Can you ever get enough of children and babies sleeping? I think not!
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