I have been thinking and praying alot for Haiti today. We found out about it yesterday(I get a little behind on news stories sometimes because we don't watch t.v. to much) I just can't understand why this happened to them. Haiti is already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. They already suffer so much and now this...I just don't get it. I prayed this morning for answers. I want to to know why....unfortunately I'm not supposed to know everything...
But, then as I pray for these people and especially the little children and mothers...I see...
I never, ever think about Haiti. I never pray for those people..ever. This has really given me pause and I believe God placed that on my heart this morning that yes this is a horrible tragedy, but these people needed our prayers and support and love BEFORE this happened...I will pray for Haiti now more than ever. I know that through this somehow, God WILL be glorified.
On a side note, we were looking up charities this morning to donate to and we found God's Little Angels(courtesy of Laurie). GLA's is the orphanage in Haiti. They believe that they will need much more support now than ever as sadly there will be lots more orphans to take in. Matthew asked if we could adopt one...he really wants to help. His heart is so big and he truely has a servant's attitude-I can learn so much for him... Along with supporting Haiti with our money, I do hope I can do something with the boys so that they can help as well. If you are reading this and looking for a charity to support in Haiti, this seems like a good one. I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful ones..I think the point being we all need to do our part to show Haiti how much we care. I found in coincidental this morning that in our morning Bible study we were at the point in the Bible where Jesus is talking with his disciples and thanking them for giving him clothing when he was naked, for feeding him when he was hungry, for taking him in when he was a stranger. They wondered how this could be because they never saw Jesus hungry or thirsty, etc. But Jesus said(I'm paraphrasing of course), "Because you have done it to one of these My brothers, even the smallest of them, it is as if you did it to me."
We are his hands and feet. Let us all remember(me especially-I can be so selfish) to be his hands and feet and to help the lesser of these...
I pray for all of those precious children for I know they are scared, lonely, hungry and sad. I pray for those mothers that have missing children or whose children have perished. The pain, the agony, I'm sure the screaming you hear on the news must be happening continually from the shear sadness and heartbreak they must feel....I pray for those fathers that lost their families or who have perished in buildings, trucks,etc.....
I'm going to give my family extra hugs and kisses today and thank the Lord for just one more day with them..it's truly a blessing. Thank you Lord, I don't deserve it, but am so grateful.
what a devastating disaster. <>