Matthew has asked several times if he could learn to knit. Despite being teased by his brother that it's what *girls* do, he still wanted to learn. He asked repeated times yesterday and even though I had dinner to prepare and cleaning up to do, I was nudged (I believe by the Holy Spirit)to stop and be present with my son. So, we found some boy colored yarn( as boy colored as I could find in my stash at the moment) and I taught him to knit. He really enjoys it! When Daddy came home he asked Matthew if he wanted to play a game(one of his favorite things to do with Daddy) and Matthew told him no, he wanted to practice his knitting... He tried and tried even though it can be a challenge at first. I asked him what he wanted to make and he said a scarf for Bo...I said,"Bo, our dog?"...he said no Bo, one of the twins Mrs Laurie adopted....
What? I was blown away....
He's met them twice, maybe 3 times and they are much younger than the boys so they didn't play with them very much, but yet he had a desire to do something for them. His hearts desire is to give and serve and I haven't made that possible lately for them and I'm going to work on that. I just couldn't believe it...sometimes they really suprise me and I'm so glad I the Holy Spirit and to my son..I learned more yesterday from him than he learned from me.

* Disclaimer for Laurie-it may be a long, long time before you get that has been ripped apart several times. We have changed plans for now and will be making a scarf for one of his Webkinz first since it's a much smaller project and won't be intimidating if he messes up in the middle....
That is so sweet that he would think of that! I want to learn how to knit too! :) Cute idea about making it for the webkinz instead. That will be a perfect size for a first scarf. :)