Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sweet visits

My sister and her daughter came to visit for a long weekend (along with my mom). 
 They were coming to look around Charlotte as they plan to move here in a couple of months and needed to find an apartment.  The kids were so excited to have Madi and Aunt Lana come visit.  Lana  also offered to babysit while Darryl and I went on a date for our anniversary.
  On a side note, 18 years we have been married! Oh my gosh!  18...that blows my mind (and yes I had to ask Darryl how long we've been married...I always forget-it changes every year and that confuses
Anyway, the kids had a great time.
 We had a great time
 We found an awesome apartment for Lana and her family and things are moving forward-Yeah! 

Just some random pictures from the weekend.

Madi and JoJo...
Nana bought JoJo a flashlight Pet to match Madi...he was so excited!

Aunt Lana brought lots of treats and goodies for movie night (while we were on our date).
Jo Jo loves marshmallows.

Getting ready for movie time!

Nana playing with the little ones on the playground.

Lana had me color and cut her hair.  She has always had long hair and wanted to cut it shorter.  I was so nervous but she ended up loving it and wants to go even shorter next time. 
Here she is with her new *do* on the trampoline with the kids.

I had to sneak in some pictures of my little I love her so!

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