Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some beach pictures...

 We did have one nice day at the beach.  Joseph loved his kite, the water, and all the toys.
Matthew braved the water.  I think he did it to prove how he can be strong and manly.   I bit my tongue as I was so scared of him getting too cold and then sick, but I let him spread his wings and go for it.
Juliana wasn't feeling well that day, but I think the sun and fresh air was good for her.
It felt so good to be outside in the sunshine and warm air.

My mom bringing sweet cakes to the water.

Lana putting Juliana's little chubby toes in the water.

Aunt Lana helping little baby cakes walk.

Crazy boy!
 Joey had such a ball!  I can't wait until summertime when we can head back to the beach!

Joseph asked for a kite for Christmas and this was first time he was able to use it.  It is a beautiful kite and he had such a great time flying it and watching it catch the wind.

My sweets needed a kiss.
How I love those chubby cheeks!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

She toddles.
Belly sticking out.
I can't take it.

On our little beach trip, Lana and Mom hosted a movie night for the children while Darryl and I had a date night.  We enjoyed a lovely time stuffing ourselves with crab, shrimp and oysters at the restaurant down the street.  The kids had fun as well watching movies and filling their tummies with junk food.

(Mommy) "Joey, you are going to be three years old soon! 
Isn't that big?"

(Joey) "stop it..."

(Mommy) " That means you were in mommy's belly three years ago. Do you want to go back into mommy's belly?"

(Joey) "no."

(Mommy) "Why not?"

(Joey) " A bear in there."

(Mommy)  "What?"

(Joey) " Dark in there.  Joe Joe scared of dark."


Monday, March 17, 2014

 Last week we took a trip to Folly Beach, SC for spring break.  Unfortunately, the weather was really cold and rainy.  I didn't want to spend the entire time in the rental house while Darryl worked, so the children and I headed to the SC Aquarium.  We had such a wonderful time!
I was so excited to see Joseph's face when he saw all of the fish.  Isn't it the greatest seeing things for the first time through a two year old's eyes?  
The aquarium had a two story fish tank with all the large fish one would expect to see but his favorite?  The sharks, of course!  Every time one would swim by he would yell, "Shark!!"  It was so cute.  I knew the big boys would love it and we all had a great time, even little baby cakes.

Joseph loved to *drive* the Jeep in the Madagascar exhibit.

 I found it so neat that the aquarium featured the coastal region, the Piedmont and the mountains.
Here we are entering the mountain exhibit.  They had one bald eagle and you could  almost touch him, he was so close!

Joseph was unsure about touching the snake.  He did end up doing it and said he felt soft.
He loved the alligator exhibit as well.   The alligator was basking on a rock.  The always look like they are smiling.  He said the alligator was happy!

Another favorite was the shrimp boat overlooking the harbor.  Joseph loved to drive and pretend he was the ship captain.

Even little sweets had a great time.  There was a little toddler playground she loved exploring with her big brother.

The lemur exhibit was really cool.  The kids could enter the exhibit through an acrylic hole.  One lemur decided to visit and sit on it.  Of course, the big boys made comments about said lemurs...ummm...bottom..
But, Joe was unaware and thought it was really neat.

Matthew's favorite part of the aquarium:  the lemur exhibit
Nicholas's favorite part of the aquarium:  the large fish tank
Joseph's favorite part of the aquarium:  large fish tank, the jeep, and the shrimp boat.

As we were leaving the aquarium, a large barge loaded with cargo was entering the channel.  Joseph was fascinated.  We had to watch it go the entire way under the Cooper River Bridge until it was out of sight. It was neat to watch as the children were sure it was going to not fit under the bridge.  While the bridge is very high, it did look close. 
 A neat ending to a wonderful day.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just because...

I love to watch her.
I love the way her hair sticks up in the back.
I love that way she sits with her little pudgy feet sticking out.
I love that she only wants mommy all of the time.
I love her.

She walks.

 As with all of my babies, this little one is beginning to walk at the tender age of ten months.
I think my absolute favorite thing this moment is the sheer joy on her face as she begins to walk toward me.  She starts out slowly than races toward me and then falls into my arms.
It melts my heart each and every time.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

 A typical school day this winter.  
Lots of fun activities for the littlest ones in the kitchen so I can teach the big boys and still have fun with the babies.
Juliana is exploring with a sensory bowl.  I just put some ice in and let her at it.
She loved playing with the cold ice.
I just love her little pudgy fingers!

This day we had several projects lined up for little Joe.  This one was his absolute favorite.
I found the idea online at a website dedicated to learning and playing with trains-right up his alley.
He got to paint with his trains and this kept him occupied for such a long time.
He loved to paint and then create stories with his trains.  This is a must do again project!

Best buds.

While the littles are playing, we are diagramming.
We are once again using Analytical Grammar this year.  Last year we used Jr Analytical Grammar and as history would dictate, both boys struggled a bit the first couple of weeks and then they find their groove and take off!
Nicholas especially loves to figure out where every word goes and has taken it upon himself to go ahead and diagram parts we haven't even learned yet.  They are so smart!

Little Joe with his cut and paste project.
He was so proud.