Thursday, December 19, 2013

Saint Nicholas Day, continued...

 After Liturgy, we let Nicholas pick where he would like to go for lunch and he chose sushi!
So, we headed out and stuffed ourselves silly.

Juliana hasn't taken to baby food yet, just a bit here and there, but I gave her a little taste of buttercream from the top of a cake and she went nuts.  It was so funny to watch her constantly open her mouth for more.  She reminded me of a little baby bird.

Next, we headed to a Pottery studio with friends to paint Christmas ornaments.  Poor Joey was so tired he slept most of the time.  We put him in Juliana's carrier to sleep!
Thankfully, he did wake up toward the end so he could join in on the fun.
We painted little Juliana's foot to put on an ornament since she is too young to paint yet.

Little Joe was so tired from all the morning activities, we couldn't wake him!

All of the kids having a great time.  They all did such a great job!

Matthew takes his art very seriously.  He loves to draw and paint and he's really good at it.

Yeah!  Little Joe finally woke up and painted every color of the rainbow on his Santa ornament.  It ended up being brown, but he didn't care.  

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! I love sushi; that was a great choice!
