Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Today has been a wonderfully quiet day.  When I woke this morning, I saw it was raining and as I reflected and prayed in my bed, it kind of felt right for it to be raining....It felt almost poetic like God's tears were washing the earth in mourning of our Saviour's crucifixion. 
I had already decided that we were going to take the day off of school and spend more time in the word today reading through John together and discussing all the events leading up to this day.  So, we all got ready for the day and I spent some time alone in my Bible and then praying.  Coincidentally, my Bible opened up to Proverbs 31 and I meditated on that for sometime as it fits so aptly to my own life and who I strive to become(although fail miserably constantly-I'm so thankful for God's grace and mercy).
Afterwards, the boys and I ate a modest breakfast and we cuddled on the sofa and I read them the events in the Bible as well as Jesus teaching to his disciples.  Then, I gently informed them that we would not be having our normal pizza and desserts tonight but instead we would have a meatless soup.  I just didn't feel right about eating those treats when our Saviour sacrificed his life for us....
The boys were hesitant and a bit sad, but I could tell after reading through John that they both realized it was right to do.  We talked about Jesus's love for us and how his message was love one another..period...
So, we had a quiet day.  The boys played wonderfully together.  We played games, we snuggled on the sofa to read together and then we dyed eggs-always a fun Easter tradition.

The boys had lots of fun writing secret messages on their eggs and then dying them to see the messages pop up. 

Here is Matthew excited to see his egg..

Here is Nicholas writing out his secret messages..

It says I love Daddy...

Here is Matthew checking out his message:  It read I love Jesus!

Nicholas did one for each member of the family.
The middle one is a picture of me and on the back it says:  I love Mommy!

Always a fun Easter tradition!  

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